In this blog I want to share what I consider to be the most important things I do to keep myself healthy. The list starts, as you might expect, with exercise and nutrition, but the later items might surprise you. It just goes to show that a holistic approach to health, looking after the mind and the body, really does matter most to me. And I think it’s probably important for you too!

1. Going for a walk in the morning

I am lucky enough to be able to walk to school with my son each morning, giving me a good 45 minute walk. It gets my body moving, gets Vitamin D into my system, and the morning light helps my circadian rhythm. I also find that a walk is a lovely way to chat and bond without pressure.

2. Eating lots of plants

This is the best thing I do in terms of healthy eating. Plants give me nutrients, fibre, energy, my gut bugs love them, and they fill me up for longer. The latest research shows that we should be aiming for 30 different plants a week, and I think I average about 10 per day.

3. I’m not teetotal but I hardly ever drink alcohol

Alcohol just doesn’t agree with me, I don’t seem to process it well. If I drink, I sleep badly and feel sluggish the next day, even if it’s 1 glass. It also seems to lower my immune system. I do occasionally have a tipple, if it’s a birthday or Christmas, but I can go weeks without drinking alcohol and feel much better for it. How about you?

4. Wind-down time before sleep

I really value my sleep - for a long time I didn’t sleep well - and have lots of routines in place to help. Wind-down time for ideally 2, but definitely 1 hour before bed is my preferred pattern. 2 hours before bed I aim to stop working and doing chores. And 1 hour before sleep I turn off all screens, get ready for bed, and read for a while before switching off the light. Why not try it for a week and see if it makes a difference for you?

5. Seeing my homeopath regularly

Yes, homeopaths also have homeopaths! I have an appointment with mine every 2-3 months, or whenever something crops up. It might be something physical, or something emotional, perhaps where an event has thrown me off track. It helps so much with my health, to bring me back into balance, to give me perspective, and to stop symptoms getting worse or lingering. In most recent years it has been helping me navigate the perimenopausal journey with relatively few symptoms.

6. Talking about emotions

If I keep emotions to myself they start to fester and I feel bad - much better to get them out and talk them through. Years ago I had psychotherapy, which was one of the best things I ever did for my health. These days I talk to my homeopath, my husband, and trusted friends. My husband and I have always done a weekly ‘check-in’, which is a supportive time to air and share our feelings. Now we do it with our son too.

7. Maintaining boundaries

Having clear boundaries and saying no is something that a lot of people struggle with. It’s so important though, for protecting our health and for staying true to ourselves. I sometimes have an internal struggle with myself about how much to commit to, or how much to go out of my way, but I’m pretty firm in saying no if it’s too much, I’m too busy, or not feeling well enough.

8. Exploring creativity

I believe that humans are creative beings and we all need an outlet to expressive ourselves. I find creativity in writing, like these blogs, or the poetry I sometimes write. I enjoy trying crafts, such as pottery, drawing, or embroidery. And I have music, in the form of playing the violin, which used to be my career and is now part profession, part hobby for me.

9. Spending time in nature

I love to get out into the countryside or the garden. Spending time in nature gives us a sense of awe, wonder, and a better perspective. I find it very grounding and stress-reducing, and it brings me comfort to connect to the natural world.

10. Seeing my friends

I am not someone who enjoys a big crowd so I have a few close friends who are very important to me. I usually meet them for a coffee, a walk, or a day out somewhere. What matters to me is that I have friends who ‘get’ me, and we talk about our lives, the world, children, families - sometimes it’s serious and other times it’s a good laugh. Having people around to share life’s journey with is a joy and a comfort, and absolutely crucial to our wellbeing.

Your list will not be the same as mine, but I hope this prompts you to reflect on all the things you do to keep yourself healthy. Are there things you do that you think might be missing from my list? Please share them if there are. And if you feel there’s an area here that you don’t pay enough attention to, is there a way you can change that? What one small thing could you do that might make a big difference?

If you’re struggling with your health or just can’t seem to find a good work-life balance, why not book a free discovery call to find out how homeopathy and health coaching could help you? Simply click on the link below to book, and I will look forward to chatting with you.
